AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-09-24fix: update lazy uninstall information link (#1148)HEADmasterBastien Traverse
2024-09-10feat: update references of tsserver to ts_ls (#1131)Nicolás Baquero
2024-08-26Fix the which-key spec issue caused by recent cleanup (#1113)Damjan 9000
2024-08-26cleanup: refactor which-key configuration for cleaner setup (#1102)Ihsan Tonuzi
2024-08-25fix: remove deprecated opt for conform.nvim (#1070)Ihsan Tonuzi
2024-08-25Fix: updated the windows installation commands (#1101)Harshit Pant
2024-08-25Enable silent option for default neo-tree plugin keybinding (#1108)Bayram Kazik
2024-08-24Include visual mode in LSP code action keymap (#1060) (#1064)Bayram Kazik
2024-08-22refactor: update treesitter and which-key config (#1068)Ihsan Tonuzi
2024-08-22Check for loop or uv for lazypath (#1095)Michael L.
2024-08-22Add note in README about lazy-lock.json (#1090)Matt Gallagher
2024-08-22Update (#1091)theoboldalex
2024-07-29Add explicit dependency of nvim-lspconfig on cmp-nvim-lsp (#1042)jstrot
2024-07-29Remove treesitter prefer_git option (#1061)jstrot
2024-07-28performance: defer clipboard because xsel and pbcopy can be slow (#1049)abeldekat
2024-07-28refactor: remove lazydev and luvit-meta as lsp dependencies (#1047)Ihsan Tonuzi
2024-07-28Modify conform comments to prevent deprecation warning when used (#1057)Brandon Clark
2024-07-28Remove redundant hlsearch option (#1058)Arvin Verain
2024-07-22Update comment about the toggle inlay hints keymap (#1041)Richard Macklin
2024-07-21lint: fix lsp warning in `vim.lsp.inlay_hint.is_enabled` (#947)srdtrk
2024-07-21Update lazydev config to fix "Undefined field `fs_stat`" LSP error (#1040)Richard Macklin
2024-07-21Neovim 0.10 updates (#936)Vladislav Grechannik
2024-07-21Fix comment about example (#985)Richard Macklin
2024-07-21Make conform.nvim be lazy-loadable again (#977)Vladislav Grechannik
2024-07-21Update | %userprofile%\appdata\local -> %localappdata% (#963)Artyom
2024-07-21Make debug lazy loadable (#978)Vladislav Grechannik
2024-07-21Remove redundant require (#959)Tom Kuson
2024-07-21Fix neo-tree keymap description (#932)Damjan 9000
2024-07-17fix: add required parsers from nvim-treesitterTJ DeVries
2024-07-16fix(lazy): added error handling for bootstrap (#1001)Folke Lemaitre
2024-07-16which-key v3 update (#1022)Vladislav Grechannik
2024-05-10Automatically set detached state as needed. (#925)Per Malmberg
2024-05-08fix: debug.lua (#918)Smig
2024-05-05Add diff to treesitter's ensure_installed languages (#908)Richard Macklin
2024-05-02Move LspDetach handler near kickstart-lsp-highlight group (#900)Damjan 9000
2024-04-27README: add clipboard tool dependency (#886)Damjan 9000
2024-04-22Update (#875)Adolfo Gante
2024-04-22fix: highlight group clear on each attach (#874)Francis Belanger
2024-04-22Fix highlight errors when lsp crash or stop (#864)Francis Belanger
2024-04-22Fix deprecation notice of inlay hints (#873)Vladislav Grechannik
2024-04-20Add a commented out example of the classic complete keymaps. Fixes #866 (#868)Damjan 9000
2024-04-20Minor improvements of debian install instructions. Fixes #859 (#869)Damjan 9000
2024-04-20Update (#860)Evan Carroll
2024-04-19fix: restore Mason config timing for DAP startup (again) (#865)GameFuzzy
2024-04-17Add gitsigns recommended keymaps as an optional plugin (#858)Damjan 9000
2024-04-17Move plugin examples from README to optional plugin files (#831)Damjan 9000
2024-04-17Enable inlay hints for the supporting servers (#843)Vladislav Grechannik
2024-04-17Fix: #847 - add prefer_git to treesitter config (#856)Chris Patti
2024-04-17Comment about nerd font selection. Fixes #853 (#854)Damjan 9000
2024-04-16Arch, btw (#852)rdvm